festivalorganisatie - programmering - tourmanagement
Roland Kompier Produkties 
anno 1986

Over ons

Evenementen organisatie & artiestenmanagement

Al meer dan 30 jaar levert Roland Kompier Produkties een belangrijke
bijdrage aan de programmering en organisatie van veel bekende
(jazz en blues) festivals, jazzclubs,theaters en bedrijfsevenementen in
Nederland, Belgie en Duitsland. Wij verzorgen niet alleen de
programmering, maar ook de totale organisatie van een evenement.

Events and artistmanagement

For more than 30 years, Roland Kompier Produkties is working in the music
business. We program bands and soloists on numerous festivals, in
jazzclubs and theatres throughout The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.
This effort in trying to create the best possible events has led, among
others, to an important contribution for the programming and
organization of many festivals. RK PRO jazzy events is a company with its
roots in the music industry. We do the management and bookings and
also exclusive club and festival tours for several foreign artists. Besides
business events we also organize and coordinate music festivals with a
specialisation in roots, blues & jazzy music.

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